Tips for Kids’ Safety: 9 Features You Should Have in Your New Car

Kids’ Safety

While car manufacturers try their best to offer as many safety features as possible, there are still some things left for the owners. Car manufacturers obviously don’t care about the age of the passengers who are going to travel in the car. However, if you have kids and are buying another car, then you must do the best you can to ensure that your kids are safe and sound. There are plenty of safety features that you can add for the kids in your car. They depend on the age of your kids.

Even some safety technologies offered by manufacturers can be dangerous for kids, for instance, traditional airbags. Thus, you must figure out what safety features you need in your car to keep your kids safe.

If you are new to this child car safety thing, we have listed the most important child safety features that you must consider when buying a new car or altering the one you already own.

Tips for Child Car Safety

Whether you are buying a new car or are in the market for used cars, here are the most important safety features and technologies you must look for.


Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children have been a car safety standard since 2002. It offers secure tether points and anchors for booster and car seats. Thanks to this safety system, your car seat will not come out loose, even in the case of an accident or impact.

This is a much safer option than just securing the seat with a seat belt. When you are buying a new or used car, make sure it has a LATCH safety option. This will keep your child safe and sound while travelling.

2. Air Bag Switch

As mentioned before, you should not put your children in the front seats. However, if it is absolutely necessary, then you must make sure the airbag has an on and off switch. Airbags can be a lifesaver for adults, but they are really dangerous for kids. Therefore, you must switch the airbag off if a child sits with you on the front seat.

3. Smart Air Bags

You can also look for vehicles that offer smart airbags. This car safety feature can sense whether opening an airbag will more likely prevent an injury or cause one. This feature comes in handy when you are travelling with a child. It is also a great feature for people with a small stature. These smart airbags have saved the lives of many people all over the world.

4. Rear Shoulder Belts

You will commonly find shoulder belts in the front seats. However, children should never ride on the front seats. Thus, these become useless when you are looking for car safety features for kids. Thus, if you travel with kids often, then it is best to look for vehicles that come with rear shoulder belts. These are safer for kids and keep them in place in case of a collision.

5. Child Safety Locks

A child safety lock is a must-have feature in your car when you are travelling with kids. This safety feature prevents the doors from being unlocked at all from the inside. When you have a child safety lock, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your kids when they are travelling with you in the car.

6. Automatic Door Locks

Automatic door locks close automatically, even when you forget to lock them yourself. Most of the time, the automatic locks are linked to the breakdown of the car. When you press the brake for the first time while driving the car, the doors lock automatically. Some door locks are also set on a timer. This means that they close automatically after a set time. This prevents kids from opening the door accidentally when you are on the road.

7. Windows Lock

You should also have a windows lock if you often travel with your children. This will keep the children safe, as they will not be able to fiddle around with the window button. You also don’t have to keep a check on your children throughout the entire journey.

8. Additional Mirrors

You can also add additional mirrors to the front of the car to keep a check on the kids in the backseat. Consider installing a mirror on the dashboard or in the front to keep an eye on your children while driving. You can install these mirrors yourself or ask some auto mechanic to install them for you.

9. Collision Warning Detectors

Another feature to add to your car for child safety is collision warning detectors. These will warn you in case your car is getting too close to another vehicle and there is a risk of collision. This feature prevents any major accidents from occurring. It will enhance the overall safety of your vehicle.

If you are buying a new car, look for new car safety features to keep your child safe and sound when travelling with them. If you already own a car, you can add safety features to it as needed. It is important to make your vehicle as safe for your child as possible. You may have to spend some money, but it will be worth it.

Keep your kids safe on the road by installing all the safety features you think are important for their safety. A child safety kit should be a necessity if you often travel with kids. Buy a child car seat if you are travelling with an infant or kid. Don’t make the kids sit in the front seats. This can be extremely dangerous.

Follow these kids’ safety tips, and you will have safe and sound journeys with your kids.